If the breath gauge hits 0 and the player has no access to air, the player will begin to lose 5% of their health per second until they gain access to air.

If the player becomes submerged in a liquid, enters an airless area or is buried underneath blocks while not wearing an Environment Protection Pack (EPP), the player's breath gauge, with a maximum size of 100 units, begins depleting at a rate of 4 units per second, allowing the player to be without air for up to 25 seconds without any side effects. Over-filling the food bar (or eating any food as a Casual player) incurs the Well Fed status effect, stopping food bar depletion and bestowing other effects. Survival and Hardcore players have a food bar size of 70 and a food bar depletion rate of -0.0583 per second (it takes 20 minutes for a full food bar to deplete completely and cause starvation effects). Performing an action that consumes energy pauses energy regen for 1.5 seconds.

In addition, the player has a base health of 100, a base energy of 100, and an energy regeneration rate of 58.5% per second (going from empty bar to full bar takes 1.75 seconds regardless of energy pool size).

The Player is two blocks wide and four blocks tall normally (the Distortion Sphere and related Techs shrink the player to a size of two blocks wide by two blocks tall).