
Audacity download free reverse speech
Audacity download free reverse speech

audacity download free reverse speech

You had to have been there).Īt the time I had all my evidence laid out on the table in front of me. The story itself was a funny story about a tree hugging girl who loved hugging trees (lol. I was just taking a short break to record the story for her, and was going to return to working on the case that evening. This had nothing to do with the short story played forward, but EVERYTHING to do with what I was thinking while recording. Using court terminology such as "here's the deposition" and a ton of stuff throughout the entire recording, like an entire court hearing, people arguing evidence and facts. and throughout the whole record there is court terminology and freakishly it was almost like a "pre playing" of what actually happened the next day.

audacity download free reverse speech

I wrote a short story for my niece and recorded it, but at the time I was thinking about a court case the next day. They say we make sentences backwards before we even do forward. Again, I just had to verify some of this stuff myself. It is really freaky how relevant the backward stuff is to what you are thinking at the time, or what is going on in your life at the time.Īs, for me, I dont care about music backward masking, but Im highly interested in "speeches". I had to test it for myself, and truly it was amazing. You tube searching for "backward speeches" can reveal potentially amazing things about obamas speeches, the Philidelphia Experiment.all kinds of stuff. or even, maybe spiritual things? I dont know, you can try it. Usually the things that are said backward are HIGHLY relevant to what you say forward, but reveal deeper thoughts. It would be a long explanation if I explained the studies behind this that make it reasonably legit, but suffice it to say, if you speak into a recorder and then play yourself backwards its AMAZING what you find. If you google "audacity download" you can get free audio editing softaware that allows you to play things backwards, speed them up and slow them down.

Audacity download free reverse speech