Would you mind sharing more info with us regarding the issues you're experiencing with the app? Please write to us at with more details such as the make and model of your phone or a screen recording, it will be very helpful for us to investigate and fix the issue. When there are so many proven and successful providers and 2FA apps like Authy, Microsoft, Entrust, Okta, Auth0, Google and more, why would you create such an eye watering pile of hot garbage? It’s embarrassing for your company without a doubt, this ranks pretty high in the list of blunders tech companies make in their infinite arrogance.

Unless you’re into that sort of thing, of course. Say one thing for this app - say it should be avoided like a nail in the eye. Prepare for account lockouts and hours of lost productivity. Prepare for crashes, prepare for failures. Hi Users! Far from saving you time, this app will have you pulling your hair out and swearing off two-factor authentication for a long time.